Now and Then: What I've Learned Since I Started

By Mackenzie Grannan

While finishing my degree at the University of Memphis, I had the chance to work for Shannon as a freelancer. At the time, I had only worked on social media campaigns and event marketing through my coursework and student practicum, so experience with Campfire Collective was a thrilling opportunity for me. My job allowed me to get a head start in the marketing and public relations industry, and learn from one of the best. Now, I work as a full-time Content Kindler for Campfire Collective. Joining this team has allowed me to branch out and explore the different sectors public relations has to offer. Although I’m still growing in my role, I have learned a few things along the way! Here’s what I’ve discovered so far: 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

This was one of the first lessons I learned, and the hardest for me to accept. I have always had a habit of thinking I have to work all on my own, and I might be a burden if I ask others for help. This mindset left me feeling overwhelmed at times. It was not until I had a talk with my team that I realized, I was not expected to accomplish everything on my own. I had enforced that unrealistic expectation on myself!  Through this realization, I grew closer with my coworkers and gave them a chance to teach me things I was not so good at before. It also opened my eyes to the support I was not giving my team, and how I needed to be more of a team player. Everyone needs a little help sometimes, and that is okay!

It is okay to make mistakes.

As I began to take on client work, I remember feeling pressure to always do my best. I have always struggled with perfectionism and often find myself stressing over the details or terrified that I might mess up a project. Along with that constant struggle, I realized the stakes were higher! I was no longer in a classroom completing assignments. Now, I had a hand in actual campaigns and client relationships. Starting out, I definitely dropped the ball more than once. At first, I was mortified and embarrassed. I wanted to run away from the problem I created, but I didn’t. Instead, I fell on my sword, and my clients and coworkers gave me the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. Admitting my faults and mistakes gave me a chance to improve my skill set and prevented me from running into the same issues over and over again. In the wise words of Hannah Montana: 

Have faith in yourself.

Not a day goes by that I don’t pinch myself to wake up from this dream, because I love my job! I am incredibly grateful that I get to work as an account manager for clients, and that no two days are ever the same. Every day I still find myself shocked that I am in this position, and as our team grows, I am a person new members come to for advice or training. I do still experience times when I feel unqualified or have a bit of imposter syndrome. But as I help my team, solve problems, or teach others, I prove to myself that I am totally capable and qualified. When Campfire Collective was honored at the 2022 PRSA VOX Awards, I felt a boost of confidence – I’d worked on several of the award-winning campaigns! The ceremony was a specific moment when I realized that I was doing my job well and was an asset to the team. Thanks to that moment and many others, I’m learning to trust myself and feel confident that I am right where I’m supposed to be.

If you are interested in reading more about me and the Campfire Collective team, please take a look at our blog and podcast, where we have a plethora of tips, tricks, and stories to share!


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