Social Media 101: How Important Is It to Be on All Platforms?

Written By: Cecilia Fay

Whether it is trends, algorithms, or platforms, social media is constantly changing. Choosing the right social media platform(s) can be difficult. Ultimately, your industry niche and target audience are the deciding factors. Do I need accounts on all social media platforms? Short answer: No, you shouldn't, but it depends on who you are and what you're trying to accomplish on social media. Here are three steps to choosing the correct platforms for you or your business. 

Do your research.

Research is the first step before you try anything new. Whether through a simple Google search or a focus group, you must have some information ready at hand about platforms, your industry, and your target audience.  When it comes to social media expertise, I recommend using reputable websites to gain knowledge about different platforms., Hootsuite, and Hubspot offer educational articles about social media strategies. Working with your colleagues and other social media experts are helpful ways to conduct research as well. You just need to search for the right information to find ideas and advice!

Create a strategy.

In order to reach your target market on the platform you’ve selected, create a strategy for each platform and determine a purpose for your content. Everything from the photo posted to the location tagged should help you reach your overall goal. Your content will reflect the business, its values, the target audience, and other key performance indicators. Not only will your strategy help your posts perform better, but it will save you time in the long run. Through your social media strategy, you will have a blueprint of what you need to succeed.  

Expect trial and error.

Once you create your strategy, begin posting and sharing content. Unfortunately, the algorithm, your followers, and other factors out of your control may cause your content to underperform – but don’t let that scare you! Social media is all about trial and error. If something is not working, restrategize and try again. You will gain more insight into whether the platforms you chose are right for you, whether you need to retool your strategy around them, or if you should try a new one.

Ultimately, businesses today need to be on social media, but choosing the right platform or platforms can be challenging. Make sure you aren’t left behind in the social media game by following these steps. Happy posting! 


Why you should use a content calendar. 


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