Showing Your Gratitude Through Social Content

Written By: Ariana Geneva

Thanksgiving is synonymous with many things: turkey, family gatherings, gelatinous cranberry goo, and gratitude. In fact, giving thanks and showing gratitude may be the two things that you hear about most often throughout the fall season. But, there is a fun etymological difference between the two words. Being thankful is an emotional reaction to something good or beneficial that happens to you. Gratitude is an attitude of appreciation under any circumstance. So how do you cultivate a culture of gratitude through social media content?

Here are a few ways that you can show gratitude through your social media content:

Spotlight one of your company’s nonprofit partners 

So spotlight one of your company’s partners and what they are doing well. Extending good will by promoting a local nonprofit not only helps elevate your partner company’s visibility to your audience but is also a practice in gratitude. Because you act without an ulterior motive behind your post, you are practicing the art of gratitude.

Promote a local business in your community who inspires your company 

Do you have a favorite business in your community who inspires you? Do they go the extra mile to make their business zero waste or prioritize green protocols for their operations? Why not use your social media platform to let others know why you are so inspired? Share a photo of the compost system set up outside of the new restaurant that opened in your neighborhood. Take a video of the newest mural in your city and tag the artist and community partner behind the project.

Extend your gratitude to your customer base with special offers

Your success depends on the most important component to your business: your customers. Everyone loves a discount, a special offer, or a bonus item incorporated into their purchases. To show your customer base how important they are, extend special offers just to them. And remember that special offers don’t have a shelf life. You can extend offers and discounts any time of year. 

Participate in giving back 

It is a privilege to be in the position to give back to others, no matter the time of year. Volunteering your time, donating items or financial support, participating in drives to provide meals, clothing, toys, etc., all make a huge difference in your community. When you give without the expectation of receiving, you are cultivating gratitude by extending grace and service to others. Although you don’t want your social media posts to come across as bragging about volunteering, you can use your social content responsibly. By highlighting the drive or volunteer opportunities to your audience, you give them the chance to participate, help raise visibility to the cause behind your volunteer effort, and help increase donations to the cause. The goal of your posts is to make service the focal point – not your participation.

I hope these tips have inspired you to think about how you can incorporate gratitude into your social content. 


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