My Tips and Tricks for Staying Engaged While Working From Home

Written By: Cecilia Fay

As someone who works from home, I find the lack of structure to be a challenge. Each week, I like to switch up my work routine to keep things interesting! Working from home can be rewarding and productive if you follow these tips.

Podcasts and Playlists

I love listening to podcasts and have a couple good music playlists on Spotify. Podcasts are helpful for learning just about anything. You can get pop culture tea, learn tips and tricks within your industry and hear stories from all over the world. These are two of my favorites: What’s on your Mind and Unlocking Us. My favorite music genres to listen to are old country, 60s hits and indie pop. 


In college, high school, and even middle school, I along with thousands of Americans, would change buildings and move from class to class. When working, learning, or communicating, it's natural to want to move around. In the workplace, this can be different for everyone. Each day or week choose one or two spots to set up for the day. Today I decided to work from my kitchen. Tomorrow I will probably go back to my desk in my bedroom. A change of scenery makes my daily tasks more stimulating.

TV Shows and News

Turn on a show or movie you have seen several times. Choosing something familiar to you allows you to be entertained without being distracted. When watching a recently released show or movie, it is difficult not to be captivated by what is happening. You can also watch the news or another program that discusses current events. Some of my favorites include: New Girl & Last Week Tonight.

Buy Matching Room and Home Office Decor 

Some people might consider this a waste of money, but I find it essential. Revamp your bedroom and home office. Make your working space your happy place. Somewhere that is appealing to look at and adds personality to your home. I have a color scheme in my room and made sure to incorporate that into my desk space. I also have a huge whiteboard for notes, monthly goals and more. Here are two of my favorite items that have improved my productivity at my desk: Wireless mouse and Mini Stapler

Time Yourself 

This idea is fun because you add a sense of competition to your work day. Give yourself a certain amount of time for different tasks. You can find a timer on your smartphone or even use one online here: Timer


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