Meet Olivia Fowler - Campfire Intern

Where are you from? 

Born and raised in Memphis, TN! Choose 901 baby!

Where did you go to college? 

Harding University to attend their communications college

When did you move to Memphis?

My husband and I first moved to Midtown but have been living in the house that we bought about a year ago in the University District

What do you love about where you live?

I love the community feel about our neighborhood. Everyone is always out and about, either going to classes or walking their dogs! It is also fun to listen to the U of M band practice outside most afternoons. We are also within walking distance from Las Delicias…. so that is a huge plus. Lol.

How long have you been in the marketing/social media biz? What were your previous jobs? Tell us a little about your past experience (can include college, internships, etc. – anything that got you to where you are now). 

I have been in the social media and marketing world for what feels like a lifetime! I have always enjoyed being creative online. My experience working with Crosstown Concourse (managed their socials, created their newsletter, attended events) really opened my eyes to how much I absolutely love working in the local space/scene. I work for Service Master Brands full time which keeps me busy and excited, it is so cool to work with brands on a national level. But it is super important to me to stay involved on a local level, which is why I am so thankful for my team at Campfire!

Tell us about your job at Campfire Collective.

My job at Campfire is currently a little bit of everything! As of now, my role primarily consists of being a second hand man to my team. From covering live events during the evenings to helping manage accounts, each day is different/never looks the same!

What is your professional goal for our clients?

My main professional goal for our clients is to ensure that they feel heard and understood, that they feel like we are representing their brand voice to the highest standards. And to encourage them to get as involved in the city as possible!

What do you love most about your job? OR What are you most looking forward to about your job?

I love getting to know and connect with so many people in the city of Memphis. There are so many awesome voices here! My team is also a perk. Love em!

Where can we find you when you’re not working, or what do you do for fun?

When I am not working, you can most likely find me in the following places: a yoga studio either teaching a class or taking a class (yoga has been a huge part of my life/mental and physical health journey!) either Overton Bark or Toby Park with my doggos Koda and Jimbo, trying new food/drink with my husband Zane/friends (I have the best friends in the world) and fam, or in my robe cozying up on my couch watching New Girl/a horror film.

Tell us about your family, your pets, or something else personal?

We have two pups of our own! One adopted from Arkansas, and one from MAS that was on the line to be euthanized.

We need a fun fact! Something interesting or unusual about you!

Something personal is that my favorite type of music is old soul blues/jazz – specifically any Memphis artists. Not very common for a 25 year old lol! Also I broke my arm 10 weeks ago doing a crazy yoga trick, but it healed without needing surgery which I AM SO THANKFUL FOR!


Ways to Express Gratitude (Without Always Saying “Thank You”)


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