5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Winter Marketing

Written by: Ariana Geneva

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful…” is a phrase that pretty much sums up winter weather in the Mid-South. Winter time means goodbye patio weather, sunshine, and outdoor activities and hello layers upon layers of clothing, the warmth of home, and the seemingly never-ending stretch of the holidays. Snow days are always a fun treat, but how do you make sure your marketing efforts don’t get put on ice? Try these 5 tips to make the most of your winter marketing! 

Focus on Cozy

Play on the senses. You want your customers to “warm up” to what you have to offer. Do you sell comfy goods like throw blankets, matching pajama sets, or fuzzy socks? Heated or enclosed patios are a great way to extend your usable space in the colder months and a selling point for attracting customers to toast while staying toasty during happy hour. And don’t forget to promote seasonal food and beverages that will treat your guests and warm them from the inside out. 

Wintertime Hibernation

Bears do it, bees do it. I would love to take a 6-month nap, especially after the nonstop holiday events that seem to start almost at Halloween and last through the New Year. Think about ways  you can bring value to clients and guests while they rest and recharge. Do you offer bundles or discounts for bulk purchases that save both time and money? Maybe you are a health and wellness brand that can focus your marketing on recovery, something everyone seems to need after extended periods of time with large groups of family members in town. 

Indoors vs Outdoors

Being outside isn’t necessarily bad during the wintertime. However, the likelihood of folks wanting to be outside in frigid temperatures can be slim. If you can, focus your marketing efforts indoors where it’s warm. Plan activities that gather folks inside. Focus on warmth and community. Ice skating is fun for the afternoon, but don’t forget to mention you have hot cocoa and a fireplace for delicious post-skate relaxation.

Winter Images

How can you visually engage your audience? Winter time can bring memories of family gatherings, traditions, and nostalgia. When choosing imagery to use, think of your audience and their interests. Are they all about home, family, and the warmth of community? Use images of smiling families to evoke those feelings of togetherness and belonging. Are you an outdoors business already competing with the elements to get folks to come join you? Find pictures that show nature’s beauty in the winter. Fresh snow, wildlife, and people—bundled up, but not at odds with the elements—will get your audience’s attention. Play up what your business can provide that’s unique and perfect for the season.

Post-Holiday Slow Down

The holidays are over, and things are finally slowing down. It’s also a time when many businesses are leaning into their year-end hard sell. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday are occasions that make for a flurry of messages, overwhelming customers’ inboxes. You want to have a clear, concise message so you can target your audience and get their attention by offering something they need. When you narrow your focus to your core audience, you’re more likely to get noticed.

Even though winter is a time of rest and rebirth, don’t rest too hard or your marketing efforts will freeze up on you! Hopefully these tips for your winter marketing will help you stoke the fire in your messaging!


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