5 Ways To Make The Most of Spring Marketing Content

Written By: Shannon Briggs

Ah, spring. The season where we emerge out of the cold, icy depths of winter dreariness and enter a period of renewal, revival, and rebirth. Personally, it’s my favorite season, and I start counting down the days until its arrival starting in November. With spring comes a feeling of excitement, which businesses can use to showcase their personality and gain customer traction. Here are five ways to make the most of your spring marketing content.

Capitalize on Holidays

With spring comes many fun reasons to celebrate, and all of these create wonderful marketing opportunities. In March, we have Daylight Savings Time and St. Patrick’s Day. April brings Easter, and May welcomes Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Memorial Day. 

Think about how your brand could run specials, create contests, or feature items around these days. Small twists, like a green drink special for St. Patrick’s Day or a rose for every mom on Mother’s Day, can create something unique and share-worthy on social media. 

Host a Spring Event

Eager to really make an impact this spring? Consider hosting a spring event. Event marketing is a great way to increase your brand awareness and drive people to your business. The event will be different depending on the type of business you run. But after a winter of being cooped up inside, people are excited to get out and do something fun with people come springtime. 

Encourage Outside Contests

Speaking of getting outside after hibernating during winter, finding creative ways to get people out of the house will surely get people involved with your business. Consider hosting a scavenger hunt, a spring photo contest, or a pop-up game outside your business. A little extra happy, wrapped with the opportunity to win prizes, will surely get customers (and the media) talking about your business and posting all the fun online.

All The Spring Photos

While winter is the season of hibernation, spring is the season of rebirth and beauty. It’s a visually beautiful season that captures well in photography. Use spring landscapes and blooms in your marketing photography to make an impact. Seasonality shows your customers you are constantly creating something fresh and new, while also creating visuals worth sharing.

Market Around Community Events

If you are not ready to host an event of your own, participate in a community event this spring. The season is known for a burst of fun festivals. Your business could participate as a sponsor, host a booth at a festival, donate to a fundraiser, or find another creative way to make your presence known in a crowd of target customers. If participating directly in an event isn’t an option, align your marketing with the occasion. Offer specials to event-goers. Jump in on the event hashtags with your own, relevant content. 

Whatever direction you decide to take your business this time of year, know that spring is an exciting season that people want to dive in and experience to the fullest. Taking advantage of this opportunity can create goodwill, increase brand awareness, and drive your traffic and sales.


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