Consulting (& other awesome deals) at $20.16 next week!

Memphians have a new way to enjoy local Midtown flavor, as the Madison Avenue Business Association presents the inaugural Meet Me Along Madison event all day on March 22nd and 23rd. 

Meet Me Along Madison is designed to allow the community experience and explore all that Madison Avenue in Midtown Memphis brings the table. All day long on March 22-23, participating businesses will offer a feature for $20.16 that highlights what their business bring to the table in Memphis. Though restaurants and bars are a large part of this experience, the specials don’t stop there. Retail stores will have featured items and local services will offer their specialty at a featured rate. Just visit the businesses of your choice and ask for the deal!


Receive a half hour of public relations or social media advice from Shannon Little (plus many more deals) during Meet Me Along Madison next week.


Meet Me Along Madison


Shannon Consults at Madison