Campfire Collective

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Community Focused: VOX Awards 2022

“You have to take care of the people and the community, and they will, in turn, take care of you.” - Thomas Boggs

This motto was hung above my desk in my former work life, and it’s still a motto I hold dearly today. While I don’t believe that the only reason to take care of your community is to get something in return, I do believe in the validity of this statement. 

This statement was once again proven true this past week during the 2022 VOX Awards, our local public relations industry awards here in Memphis. 

Campfire Collective brought home fifteen total awards this year: 

  • Best in Show: GPAC Season 28

  • PR Executive of the Year: Shannon Briggs, Campfire Collective

  • VOX Award: Campaigns - Integrated Communications: Campfire Collective Launch

  • VOX Award: Campaigns - Brand Management and Reputation: Welcome to Memphis Pick Awards

  • VOX Award: Campaigns - Marketing Communications and Promotion: GPAC Season 28

  • VOX Award: Campaigns - Community Relations: GPAC Season 28

  • VOX Award: Campaigns - Media Relations: GPAC Season 28

  • VOX Award: Special Events - 2 or more days: GPAC Season 28

  • VOX Award: Online Tactics - Website: Campfire Collective Launch

  • VOX Award: Online Tactics - Newsletter: Campfire Collective Launch

  • Gold Award: Campaigns - Marketing Communications and Promotion: Campfire Collective Launch

  • Gold Award: Campaigns - Integrated Communications: GPAC Season 28

  • Gold Award: Campaigns - Community Relations: Welcome to Memphis Pick Awards

  • Gold Award: Campaigns - Brand Management & Reputation: Campfire Collective Launch

  • Gold Award: Special Events One Day: Welcome to Memphis Pick Awards

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the work we get to do in our beloved city, our wonderful clients, and our talented and generous PR colleagues. Without this community, we would not be who we are today. These awards are for all of these people, not just for us. 

We believe in working with community-based businesses, so they can in turn uplift our community as a whole. We put work into our community daily, and in return, they have taken care of us. 

Campfire Collective continues to grow. Our work continues to be recognized. In return, we’ll continue deep diving into making our community a better place every day. 

A symbiotic relationship at its core.

Thank you to all of our friends, family, colleagues, clients, and community partners for your continued support.